Blink if you’re tired of staring at a screen. Now blink twice if you want to be rescued from it! In today’s virtual environment, where almost 70% of home workers are reporting signs of mental exhaustion, asking someone to attend a virtual event feels like awarding the winner of a sausage-eating competition the delectable prize of…more sausage.
Given the lack of safe and practical alternatives however, the number of virtual company conferences will keep increasing as the level of engagement plummets.
Maybe it’s time to address the elephant in the virtual, 3D, interactive ‘meeting room’:
No-one ever really attended a conference for the fancy slide show – or to hear the CEO unveil this year’s strategic stroke of genius. Most face-to-face meetings relied on social pressure to keep people ‘present’: a captive audience tends to behave! (Who hasn’t perfected their ‘resting interested face’ while praying for the pastries to arrive?)
No surprise in this virtual world, where everyone’s attending from home (cue pets howling, kids wailing, emails pinging) many delegates start to check out the second they’ve confirmed their ‘registration’. And what a crying shame!
With remote work feeding an ever-growing empathy gap, and people feeling increasingly isolated, the need for us to come together, connect and collaborate has never been greater.
Try these thought experiments to help create a virtual event that truly engages, energises and inspires:
If this approach sounds like more effort, you’re not wrong! But if we care about connecting people, and fostering the sense of inclusion we all crave right now, maybe it’s worth an experiment?
To find out more, check out what we’ve been doing at The Culture Experiment